7 Reasons Why People Buy From the Brand Next StoreThe broad reason why people buy from the brand next store generally points to one key oversight – a lack of customer information.

Our brains are information centers. If there is a disconnect in information we generally turn away. I’ve put together seven of the most important information steps to help your business seal the deal with your customers. Keep it simple. Keep it straightforward and your brand will be the one everyone is coming to.

1. Your brand ratings and reviews are lacking .

How many times have you looked for a needed product or service based on the reviews and/or ratings? Your customers do the same thing. Listing your brand on relevant rating and review sites, such as Google, Yelp, industry-specific or city-specific sites will make it easier for you customers to get that second opinion they are looking for. Create a step in your customer relationship process where you can collect reviews and ratings. Once you get your customer feedback, share them on your business website and in your other marketing materials. Customer opinion is very valuable. Utilize this beneficial cache to your advantage.

2. Your website is not mobile friendly.

While consumers use a variety of devices to find brands to frequent, over 50% use a mobile device at some point in their search process. Reasons for doing so include getting navigation directions to a business a location, looking for businesses that are close to the person’s current location, and the click-to-call feature. Mobile friendly websites are a must. That’s half your market!

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3. Your brand information is incomplete and/or inconsistent online and/or instore.

From the home page of your website to your listings on ratings and review sites or local search directories, every detail of your business listing needs to be complete. Keep track of the platforms your brand uses and regularly check your listings to make sure your phone number, address, and hours are current and complete. This information also needs to be consistent. In other words, don’t list your business address as 123 Winners St. on one directory and 12 Winners Street on another. This can confuse search engines and lower your brand visibility in search results.


4. It is unclear what your brand offers.

This is probably the most curial mistake you could make with your brand. The first question that you should always answer is “what do you offer.” Secondly, “why do I need what you offer”, and thirdly, “how do I get it”. This can be summed up in a clear concise 1-2 sentences statement and given priority on all your print and web spaces. Be super clear identifying the customer, helping them overcome their problem and giving them a plan or promised solution to a better life.


5. Your brand is absent in your market.

If you want to be known as the brand to buy from, stake a claim to your territory before your competition beats you to it. Creating a series of videos, blog posts, pdfs and anything that gets your name out there will establish authority and credibility making it easier for others to purchase from you. However, if you feel your market is over saturated, focus on a way to relate to your customers that is better than your competition. Look for the untapped potential of your market, create your own category and beat everybody on their way to the top.


6. Your brand is missing a direct call to action.

Do you have a clear and direct call to action for your brand? Is it painfully obvious what you want your customers to do: make a purchase so you can help solve their problem? Your website should include a prominent button to click throughout the pages of your site as they scroll through your content. Direct call to action can also be included at the end of every e-mail blast, on signage, print media, radio ads and even commercials. Don’t miss an opportunity to provoke action. You never know when the customer is going to be ready to commit. When they do you want to be ready.


7. Your brand is ignoring the chance to offer a deeper connection with your customers.


Everyone likes to feel connected and everyone likes to feel a part of the bigger picture. Does your brand align with your customers heart perhaps supporting their philanthropical ideas. You can offer a solution beyond your product and service whenever they engage in your brand by aligning your business with a local cause or non-profit. This gives your customers a deeper sense of meaning and a satisfaction above what you offer. Put your business in the light that other matter most.


Well there you have it, seven top reasons why people buy from the brand next store. Be that brand next store that everyone is watching! Use these reasons as a checklist to exam your brand. As a result, you’ll be ready to answer the door when your customers come knocking.


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