Welcome to KayKelso.com

Welcome to KayKelso.com

KayKelso.com open in a laptop browser with hands on a key boardHi there and welcome to KayKelso.com.

I’m Kaylee Kelso, the founder behind KayKelso Design. It’s so nice that you’re here, and I hope to serve you as your personal brand and content designer. At KayKelso.com, I believe every business needs a clear brand. Consistency is key and having a strategic plan is the best way for optimal growth.

You can read more about me here, but for now check out what KayKelso.com has to offer!


KayKelso.com Is Designed with You in Mind.

I relaunched this site for small business owners, creative entrepreneurs and go-getters like you with the goal to help you build your brand with the necessary tools and knowledge required to win the hearts and minds of your customers.

With over fourteen years of design experience, I am confident we can get your brand going in the direction of success. My process is built on New York Times best selling author, Donald Miller’s book Building a Story Brand and his Business Made Simple approach. I clarify your message so customers will listen using the seven elements of great storytelling to grow your business. I also closely follow other leading brand strategist like Stephen Houraghan, brand strategist and coach at BrandMasterAcademy.com and Jacob Cass, brand strategist and designer at JustCreative.com to keep your business growing and going in the direction of success.


What to expect on kaykelso.com?

KayKelso, LLC was started to help businesses grow. Growing your business doesn’t have to be hard. With KayKelso by you side you can form a professional brand and create customer loyalty for years to come. On KayKelso.com you can expect to read blog posts that offer strategic brand insights and tips to keep your brand ahead of the rest. You can also use my site to stay up-to-date with brand procedure and marketing musts that you can implement to build your business. My goal is to make KayKelso.com a valuable resource for my clients and business owners.

I’m here to guide you on your brand journey and help make your brand process as fun and stress free as possible with tips and resources along the way. Signup below to start your journey with me today. You don’t want to miss out. I want to see your brand succeed, and I count it a privileged to be here supporting your business as it grows.


Let’s Meet!

Now that you’ve learned a little about what I offer, I hope to someday meet you and help you along your branding journey. Every business needs a strong brand and I hope that I can make that a reality for you! If today is your day, let’s get started. Fill out my inquiry form here to share with me your next branding project. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Your brand strategist,




P.S. There’s more.

7 Reasons Why People Buy From the Brand Next Store

7 Reasons Why People Buy From the Brand Next Store

7 Reasons Why People Buy From the Brand Next StoreThe broad reason why people buy from the brand next store generally points to one key oversight – a lack of customer information.

Our brains are information centers. If there is a disconnect in information we generally turn away. I’ve put together seven of the most important information steps to help your business seal the deal with your customers. Keep it simple. Keep it straightforward and your brand will be the one everyone is coming to.

1. Your brand ratings and reviews are lacking .

How many times have you looked for a needed product or service based on the reviews and/or ratings? Your customers do the same thing. Listing your brand on relevant rating and review sites, such as Google, Yelp, industry-specific or city-specific sites will make it easier for you customers to get that second opinion they are looking for. Create a step in your customer relationship process where you can collect reviews and ratings. Once you get your customer feedback, share them on your business website and in your other marketing materials. Customer opinion is very valuable. Utilize this beneficial cache to your advantage.

2. Your website is not mobile friendly.

While consumers use a variety of devices to find brands to frequent, over 50% use a mobile device at some point in their search process. Reasons for doing so include getting navigation directions to a business a location, looking for businesses that are close to the person’s current location, and the click-to-call feature. Mobile friendly websites are a must. That’s half your market!

Need a mobile friendly site? Contact me!

3. Your brand information is incomplete and/or inconsistent online and/or instore.

From the home page of your website to your listings on ratings and review sites or local search directories, every detail of your business listing needs to be complete. Keep track of the platforms your brand uses and regularly check your listings to make sure your phone number, address, and hours are current and complete. This information also needs to be consistent. In other words, don’t list your business address as 123 Winners St. on one directory and 12 Winners Street on another. This can confuse search engines and lower your brand visibility in search results.


4. It is unclear what your brand offers.

This is probably the most curial mistake you could make with your brand. The first question that you should always answer is “what do you offer.” Secondly, “why do I need what you offer”, and thirdly, “how do I get it”. This can be summed up in a clear concise 1-2 sentences statement and given priority on all your print and web spaces. Be super clear identifying the customer, helping them overcome their problem and giving them a plan or promised solution to a better life.


5. Your brand is absent in your market.

If you want to be known as the brand to buy from, stake a claim to your territory before your competition beats you to it. Creating a series of videos, blog posts, pdfs and anything that gets your name out there will establish authority and credibility making it easier for others to purchase from you. However, if you feel your market is over saturated, focus on a way to relate to your customers that is better than your competition. Look for the untapped potential of your market, create your own category and beat everybody on their way to the top.


6. Your brand is missing a direct call to action.

Do you have a clear and direct call to action for your brand? Is it painfully obvious what you want your customers to do: make a purchase so you can help solve their problem? Your website should include a prominent button to click throughout the pages of your site as they scroll through your content. Direct call to action can also be included at the end of every e-mail blast, on signage, print media, radio ads and even commercials. Don’t miss an opportunity to provoke action. You never know when the customer is going to be ready to commit. When they do you want to be ready.


7. Your brand is ignoring the chance to offer a deeper connection with your customers.


Everyone likes to feel connected and everyone likes to feel a part of the bigger picture. Does your brand align with your customers heart perhaps supporting their philanthropical ideas. You can offer a solution beyond your product and service whenever they engage in your brand by aligning your business with a local cause or non-profit. This gives your customers a deeper sense of meaning and a satisfaction above what you offer. Put your business in the light that other matter most.


Well there you have it, seven top reasons why people buy from the brand next store. Be that brand next store that everyone is watching! Use these reasons as a checklist to exam your brand. As a result, you’ll be ready to answer the door when your customers come knocking.


Want to learn more?

Your brand strategist,



5 Simple Steps to Grow Your Business Today

5 Simple Steps to Grow Your Business Today

7 Reasons Why People Buy From the Brand Next Store

The business scene gets busy fast.

As a business owner it’s your job to take steps to grow your business even if it’s implementing just one action a day, a week or even a month. Which is why I’ve created this short list of action steps that you can implement today to get your business going in the direction of growth. Target, implement and watch your business work for you.


1. Believe you can grow your business.

This first step may come as a surprise to you, but when running a business believing you can is essential for optimal growth and success. Our minds have to believe we can first then the “do” will follow. Remember the saying, “The game is 90% mental and 10% physical.” Having a positive attitude, concentration and determination is key in reaching your business goals. If we believe we can grow, we will grow. 

ACTION STEP: Start by visualizing the direction in which you want your business to go.Write down a dollar figure or achievement you want your business to reach. Then work backwards routing the steps it will take to reach that goal. Remember to choose something realistic for the lifestyle you are living and make it specific as you can. Reference it everyday to keep you motivated.

Do you believe your business can grow?


2. Clarify your business message.

This second step probably sounds too simple, but sadly most businesses, especially ones starting out, are missing this important step entirely. They are usually too focused on making their business look good and positioning themselves as the hero of their business that the customer can’t find what’s in it for them. When clarifying your business’s message you want to position yourself as the guide — not the hero. Be crystal clear in exactly what you offer and support that by showing your audience how you fix their problems with you guiding them along the way. If they only know you can fly from building to building but don’t know that you can pick them up, they will watch you in awe as they wait for the next company to get them to their next building top.

ACTION STEP: Start by displaying your clear message in the first text of your website or landing page as well as your business cards. Make it clear and concise guiding them easily to their next course of action – sign me more!

Clarify your message and broadcast it to your audience.


3. Be consistent with your business.

This third step is also often missed. Starter-uppers get busy or rush to start their business creating a decision making process on the fly. Did you know that the top business leaders have their own set of rules known as a Brand Guide to direct how their business looks, acts and reacts, outlines their ideal customer, etc? Having this incredible tool helps businesses be consistent in their markets, enhancing their clear message. Think — Brand is Brain — for your public relations, marketing, advertising and sales. Copy and design must always be based on your brand guide. Having a brand guide puts a system in place so that you are ready to design multiple designers, copy writers, etc.

ACTION STEP: Start by creating your own set of rules. Choose colors, fonts, personality, etc., for your brand by writing them down and referencing them when creating new content for your business. Be sure to share them with your team to consistently streamline your business. When you are ready be sure to hire a professsional like KayKelso.com to ensure this process is off on the right foot.

Make your business work for you.


4. Create a one-liner for your business

For many, this is a new step in today’s business world. Creating a one liner is the new and improved way of answering “What do you do?”. It’s more than a tagline or slogan that you may be used to hearing about. An one-liner is a clear concise 1-2 sentences statement that explains to your audience what you offer and why they need what you offer. Your one-liner should identify the customer, help them overcome their problem and give them a plan or promised solution to a better life.

ACTION STEP: Take a few minutes now and write your one-liner. Then memorize it! If you have employees, have them memorize it as well.

Make it easy for everyone to know your business.


5. Add credibility and authority to your business

Last but just as important as the rest is adding credibility and authority to your website and advertising materials. Add testimonials were applicable. A variety of three strong, short testimonies is all you need to let your customers speak for you. Include their name, website if applicable and photo to validate them. You can also add statistics to quantify your company’s success. This often comes down the road so don’t feel like you have to have some stats if you don’t have any. However, keep them in mind when opportunity presents itself to collect them. Other ways to strengthen your position is adding your awards in the industry on your page or adding known business logos to your homepage that you’ve done business with or are recognized by.

ACTION STEP: Start by answering this question “What are your customers saying about your business?”.

Spread the answers around your content.


And there you have it – five simple steps to grow your business that you can implement today! I get it, finding time to work on your business is not always convenient, but you will thank yourselves for finding the time! Start with step one and work it in. Enable your business to grow and it will.

Looking to grow your business faster? Let’s chat! 

Want to learn more?

Your brand strategist,



Hello Fellow Business Owners!

Hello Fellow Business Owners!

Lets Bring Your Brand to Life Button with a hand clicking it

Hey there and welcome to my blog.

I know most intro posts probably start out this way, but I truly am thrilled you are reading my first post! My name is Kaylee Kelso, fellow business owner and strategic brand designer. I started KayKelso, LLC to help business like yours grow and look good while doing so. Your success is my priority, and I’d love the opportunity to be part of your brand!  

What do I do?

I’m glad you asked! 😉 I create logos and websites by combining strategy with design to offer you the best advantage within your industry. With a strategic plan and a professional look your brand can cut through the noisedelivery a clear, consistent message, and achieve optimal growth above your competitors. My technique brings clarity and focus to businesses giving you the framework your brand needs to grow fast and with ease, winning the hearts and minds of your customers along the way. I come along side your business making your brand creation or website process as fun and stress free as possible. To get you started, I’m writing blog posts right here on this site that offer useful and valuable information to aid you along your brands journey. Check out my posts here or subscribe below so you don’t miss a post. I want to see your brand succeed, and I count it a privileged to be there cheering you along the way.  

I’m here to help your business grow!

I’m working to build a brand that leaves an impact and together we can do the same for your brand. Check out some of my future goals. I’d love for you to be a part of them and allow me the opportunity to help your business grow.
  • Monthly blog posts on how to effectively set up your brand for optimal growth.
  • A handy resource library packed with lots of goodies for business owners.
  • Host brand sessions for new and existing business owners.
  • Regular donation program to a range of good causes and new businesses.
  • Offer a yearly FREE complete brand package to a well deserved business owner.

But wait! I have more for you.

“Start doing what is necessary. Next, do what is possible. Then suddenly your brand is achieving the impossible.”